On Good Friday, we reflected on the overwhelming love of God for each one of us. Starting with the gift of His Son, Jesus, sent to lead us and teach us and heal us. Then the sacrifice of His from on the cross that our sins might be forgiven.
We remembered Jesus’ love for His Father and how He loved Him so much He accepted the cross. We remembered the love Jesus has for us in giving us a living example of how to live and His going to the cross for us.
Still struggling to understand the overwhelming love of God, the Father, and Jesus, the Son, I got off the bus to enter St. James to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. When I entered the church it was like a great big bubble full of love had burst open, spreading love everywhere. There were small groups of people scattered around the church talking joyfully and full of love towards each other. I was barely inside and a man came up to me and asked, “Can I say Alleluia yet?” Then a lady came up to me saying, “I love all this noise.” It wasn’t the noise of voices in gossip, it was the noise of loving, joyful conversations!
All of this came together as the service began with the joyful music of Easter and the Gospel message of the Resurrection and extended to Sullivan holding up Alleluia signs made by the Sunday School kids all during the sermon.
Leaving the church that day, I felt the need to shout to the rooftops: Alleluia, Christ is Risen!
We need to find a way to share this love with others beyond the services we provide the homeless and needy. We need to extend our job. We need to keep the joy of Easter rolling outward. We cannot be selfish with this joy.
Take Action
In the course of a leadership level weekend called Cursilla, one of the talks is called Action. The purpose of the talk is to give people a way to lead others to Christ. The way to action is: Make a friend; Be a friend; Bring a friend to Christ.
In each of our lives we encounter people who are searching for something to give meaning to their lives. The searching sometimes is verbalized but may only be a feeling we get from them. Take a leap of faith and make them your friend.
As friendships grow, we begin to share bits and pieces of ourselves. We listen to each other. We help each other.
What We Can Share
What we can share is what we have found that gives meaning to our lives. Sharing our love of Jesus may be easier than we realize. If we present ourselves the way we are as Christians, if we do not hide that aura of love that we feel and live with, we may find that our new friend sees it and asks about it and wants what we have! Share it!
Having shared what we have learned and how we strive to live, offer them a way to find their way. Bring your friend to Christ.
In doing these actions with others, we are doing what Jesus did and would have us do in His name.
Leap out of the cocoon that can be too comfy. Yes, you can sing out Alleluia! Yes, we can make a joyful noise. Yes, we can hold up our Alleluia signs. Let us take all that we have out into the streets and share the love with all we meet!
Deacon Ned Howe
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