Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Adult Education Schedule

Session A: September 16-30
Adult Education 1: Christian Parenting using Living Compass Curriculum
Adult Education 2: “Who are those Bible Heroes, Anyway?” Leader: Sheryl Slocum

Feast of St. Francis Celebration, October 7
Intergenerational (all ages) Blessing of the Animals and Learning about Noah’s Ark

Session B: October 14-October 28
Adult Education 1: Faith and Politics
Adult Education 2: More Bible Heroes

Session C: November 11-25
Adult Education 1: End of Life Issues (e.g., living wills, final directives, etc.)
      Leaders: the Pastoral Care working group
Adult Education 2: Biblical End Times, Leader: Gust Olson

Session D: December 2-16
Adult Education 1: Our Church Music
Adult Education 2: Advent Series

Session E: January 13-February 10
Adult Education 1: Women of Faith (including Bad Girls of the Bible)
Adult Education 2: Scriptures of Epiphany

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