Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Vestry Notes for December 2011

St. James’ Vestry met for the first time under the leadership of our Rector, Lisa Saunders, on Wednesday, December 21, 2011. We enjoyed the new configuration of the lounge as a place to meet and be with each other, but more especially the presence and direction Mother Lisa provided.

Format Change
Our format has changed slightly, though it begins, after opening prayer, as previously, with a check-in as to where the various members find themselves. We were guided by an agenda that comprised the following sections: Formation (check-in and meeting format); Information (approval of minutes, items that have arisen as a general rector’s report, reports from the deacons and wardens, other reports); Discussion (a single topic each meeting inviting general comment rather than a decision); and Decision (items necessary for decisions, Treasurer’s report, this month the proposed budget to be presented at the Annual Meeting). As always, the meeting ended with a closing prayer, delivered by Deacon Terry.

Highlights of the Meeting
Information highlights included preparation for the Christmas services, announcement of the January 19th singalong “Sound of Music” at 6:00PM, and the possibility of having social work interns helping with our various outreach programs and grant-writing.

All in all, it was a generous, loving, and prayerful meeting: a positive move into St. James’ future with Mother Lisa.

Gust Olson

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