Monday, August 6, 2012

Our Relationship With God

In my last Deacon’s Bench post, I wrote about the void we feel inside. I suggested we ask ourselves these questions:

Where is God in my life? Is our relationship a sometimes thing like only when life is troublesome? Or is it a love/hate relationship where we feel God is punishing us when we fail?

If you can ask yourself these questions and are ready to think about your answers, you have taken the first step: recognition of your need. In recognizing your need, you have seen that something in your life may have to change.  What do I have to do next to change from: “may have to change” to “must change”? For example, it was easy to recognize I might be drinking too much, but it took awhile to accept it.

The void in your life

Look at your life and events leading to your recognition of the void in your life and your failure to fill it with the material-oriented life. Nothing you or I have done has changed. The empty feeling is still there. If you are honest with yourself, recognition can become acceptance.

Acceptance comes when we realize our way doesn’t work. It comes when we are ready to say, “I’m fed up with the life I have had. My way hasn’t filled the void. I will do whatever it takes to change.” You now have accepted your problems and are ready to act.

What action must I take now? Realize, as you start this journey that the “I” in that question will be replaced by “we”. I would suggest that the starting point is to “clean house”, put aside the past. Put all the hurt, anger and pain where it can be taken care of in God’s hands. Living in the past and holding onto all the baggage will always impede change.

Clean house and pass it on

When we clean house and pass it on, we are really saying, “I surrender”. At this point “I” becomes “we” with you and with your partner, God.

This journey is no longer a lonely one. God always is at hand to hold you up. Remember, the man at the window who came to see that God loved him? The understanding came about with the realization that God works through other people. The love that surrounded him came without strings. That love from others was without regard to past events. He was loved by others for who he was. That is the same kind of love God has for you.

Look around yourself. During your lifetime were there friends that ended up on the sidelines of your life, but who offered help in love when others deserted you?

Those in peace

Are there people at work you have noticed have a certain look of peace who are not part of the rat race around them, whom you may secretly admire?

Reach out to others who seem to have found peace. Share with them. Feel God’s love in them.  Become willing to release yourself from self and cloak yourself with God’s love. With this release of self, you will find peace.

Surround yourself with others making the same journey in worship regularly to renew and refresh yourself on your journey. Listen to God as you continue to turn your life over to him in prayer. Give God a chance to answer in His time.

Here I am, Lord. I am yours, Lord. Take me into your everlasting arms of love.

by Deacon Ned Howe

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