Monday, April 2, 2012

Communion Bread

Sunday, March 25, was a Sunday all about BREAD for the children of our parish. They learned of Jesus’ presence with us in bread that is blessed. They made communion bread, with their own hands, and with much joy and concentration (as you can see in the photos on this page).

During Holy Week and throughout the season of Easter, we all will see that it is through bread, and other pieces of our daily lives that Jesus is made known to us.

We give thanks to Deacon Terry (and helpers Liz, Loraine, Sue and Tim) for sharing our faith with our children in such a beautiful, joyful way. We give thanks to the children, for making bread which we will bless and receive on Easter morning.

This Holy Week and Eastertide, may you experience the Risen Jesus very near to you,

The Rev. Lisa Saunders

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