Thursday, April 12, 2012

Youth in our Diocese

Here are some highlights of upcoming youth events in the Diocese of Milwaukee:

May 19, 9:00AM to 4:00PM
Happening Reunion
Happening is a Christian experience presented by teenagers for teenagers with the help of clergy and lay adult leadership. It challenges youth to find their spiritual realities based on the love of Jesus Christ. Happening’s purpose is not only to have a fantastic weekend, but also to build a foundation for a lifelong commitment to Christian living – a life based upon Christian values, beliefs and actions. Happening is a weekend full of fun and fellowship, but it is also a weekend full of learning, sharing, growing, loving and experiencing the gifts of God.

June 11, 9:19AM to 6:46PM
Middle School Youth Event
This Middler’s Event is a special day put together for people in grades six through eight and the adults who work with youth. Its purpose is to help them grow in love of themselves, others, and Jesus Christ. Activities include laughing, sharing, playing, praying. Youth who attend will learn to grow while having the time of their lives. More details coming soon!

Leadership Camp (9th - 12th grade) June 17 - 22
Intermediate Camp (3rd - 6th grade) June 17 – 22
Middle/Senior High Camp (7th – 12th grade) June 24 – 29
Camp Webb
Camp Webb is an outdoor ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee. Everyone who comes to Camp Webb is given the opportunity to learn more about themselves and others, to discover more about the Episcopal Church, to develop a greater spiritual awareness, and to encounter Christ through living and learning in God's creation. Campers learn new skills, make new friends, create lasting memories and explore who they are and who God is in their lives. This year camp will be held at the beautiful and centrally located Lutherdale Camp near Elkhorn. It is has a lake, large playing fields, basketball court, archery range, large campfire pit, volleyball court, ropes course and more.

For more information, contact Kate McKey, Youth and Camp Coordinator at 608-770-5299 or You can also sign up for emails by clicking on the “Diocesan E-News” link on the right side of the webpage!

Robert Wilson

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